9 Benefits of Reading Fiction That May Surprise You 

It may have been something of a schoolwork chore when you were a kid, but reading can become enjoyable when you’re an adult. And now we’re here to tell you that by indulging in your favorite fiction read, you’re doing yourself a huge favor! Here are nine reasons why reading is beneficial to you.

  1. Increased Empathy

When you’re reading the words on the page, the author puts you in the characters' minds. This allows you to understand them better and what they are going through at the moment. Some people often even feel as if they’re going through it all too. All of that is increasing your brain’s empathy capability and makes you a more empathetic person. 

2. Disengagement From Stress

There is always so much going on around us. Our brains are constantly taking in information and trying to perform at work, school, social events, and even at home. So it’s important to disengage at times and have complete rests. Reading gives us the perfect escape from reality and daily stresses, and it’s a healthy option.

3. Better Sleep 

Insomniacs know the value of a good night’s sleep. And studies have shown that nighttime routines can help with this. A routine including reading a good story before bed will help your brain switch off from work and technology - and you’re on your way to sweet dreams.

4. Improved Social Relationships

According to psychologists, reading fiction can work as a type of stimulation for the brain. Reading a story opens our minds to situations that include the unknown, complex emotions, and change. And so, we are more ready to handle these situations in real life. 

5. Stronger Memory & Mind

There is evidence that avid readers experience slower mental decline later in life. Stories and reading seem to keep our brains exercised and healthy, decreasing the risks of Alzheimer's and other mental diseases. 

6. Improved Inclusivity

One of the great things about books is that we readers are exposed to a diverse range of characters - at least, this is the case in the best books. And reading about these characters not only opens our empathetic minds but also increases our inclusivity and tolerance of those different from us. 

7. Expanded Vocabulary

Fiction authors have Carte Blanche over their use of big and brilliant words. And reading these words helps to grow your vocabulary as it becomes stored in your brains, improving and expanding the words we know and use every day.

8. Thriving Creativity

With reading fiction comes plenty of “the unknown” - this keeps our brains in suspense and lowers our emotional need for certainty and stability. This type of brain activity creates the perfect breeding ground for creativity. 

9. Pleasure & Happiness

Possibly the most important benefit. Not only can reading fiction improve our lives, minds, and social skills, but it can also simply make us happy. Studies done show that those who have a habit of reading fiction (because non-fiction is great, but not as fun) are much happier people. Do we need another reason to read?