Best Selling Books You Can't Beat

138-year-old library saves valuable printed works in Turkiye's Istanbul
138-year-old library saves valuable printed works in Turkiye's Istanbul / Anadolu Agency/GettyImages

These books topped best-seller lists, but how many copies were actually sold? Find out the estimated numbers below!

The Hite Report

Read by approximately 50m people since it was first published in 1976, Dr. Hite's book is considered an essential read for women all over the world.

Watership Down

Loved by children and adults alike, Watership Down has seen around 50m readers since its publishing.

The Eagle Has Landed

With ±50m readers worldwide, this popular book became a successful movie as well. 

The Name of the Rose

Originally written in Italian, this historical murder mystery was translated into English and has since seen 50m (possibly more) people reading its pages.

Black Beauty

A loved childhood storybook, it’s no surprise Black Beauty is in the over-50-million-readers club.

Anne of Green Gables

This classic 1908 novel is considered “one of the greatest children's novels of the mid-twentieth century.” It’s had about 50m readers.

Common Sense Book of Baby & Child Care

Written by American pediatrician Benjamin Spock in 1946, this book saw around 50m new parents gain value from it. 


This story is over 100 years old, and there are at least 50m copies in homes worldwide. 


Despite its controversial topic, there were still around 50m copies of this story sold.

One Hundred Years of Solitude

From Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García, this novel was bought by about 50m people.

You Can Heal Your Life

Although not agreed on by everyone, this self-healing book had at least 50m readers.

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

This novel about Jesus Christ and a fictional man was first published in 1880 and saw ±50m copies sold.

The Bridges of Madison County

Even though this became a movie, it still sold around 60m copies.

The Catcher in the Rye

Around 65m copies of this classic were sold.

The Alchemist

Author Paulo Coelho topped best-seller lists and sold around 65m copies.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

We know HP is popular, but this book was about 65-million-copies popular.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Another ±65m copies were sold of this Harry Potter book.

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix

And ±65m copies sold of this HP book. 

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This book also recorded around 65m sales.

Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban

65m seems to be JK Rowling’s lucky number.

Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets

This one drew in a larger fan base - selling around 77m copies.

The Da Vinci Code

This book had readers hooked, 80m readers, in fact. 

The Adventures of Pinocchio

From 1883 to the present, this is a much-loved children’s story - and it sold ±80m copies.

She: A History of Adventure

In print since 1887, this romantic adventure hooked at least 83m readers.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

This magical novel took around 85m readers into the land of Narnia.

And Then There Were None

After 100m copies were sold, it seems this is Agatha Christie’s most popular story. 

Dream of the Red Chamber

A popular 18th-century novel, this book also sold around 100m copies. 

The Little Prince

This fable was first published in the 1940s and has since enchanted around 100m adults and children.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

This was the most successful of the Harry Potter books, at around 120m copies sold. 

The Hobbit

With an estimated 140.6m people owning a copy of this book, it’s safe to say it’s a loved story.