
The three sat down at a table under an awning, the ripples on the pool’s surface dancing on its underside.
“It’s an interesting swimming pool,” Jack commented. “Does the dark color keep the water warmer?”
“But of course, my dear,” Laverne said, reaching over and stroking him on the arm. “It stays warm well into the night, right Sarah?” She winked, and the two shared another giggle, again sending a warm fuzzy feeling up Jack’s spine.
“Oh, Jack,” Sarah began. “You would die to know what has gone on in this very pool.”
He laughed. “Oh, I can only imagine. The first time you guys hooked up, and that skinny dip turned into a little more?”
Laverne squealed with laughter, and Sarah agreed. “That very one, my dear. I promise I haven’t told him all of our stories,” she said to Laverne with a wink.
“I prefer it that way; it means I get to keep the fantasies in my head,” Jack quipped, prompting more laughter.
Laverne leaned over to put a hand on Sarah’s lap. “You told me he was naughty, Sarah, but I had no idea he was this bad!”
“Yup, and I told him you’d be a shameless flirt too,” Sarah chimed in, to more laughter from both of them. It wasn’t long before the two were completely absorbed in each other, chatting away in dulcet tones, hands entwined and fingers playing across the backs of hands that each knew so well.
Jack had always been tactful and decided this was a great time to stroll around the garden. He slowly got up and excused himself, saying he’d give them time to catch up.
“Don’t be too long, Jacky boy,” Laverne winked.