Indelible Feelings

He slowly placed the vase back upright and safe on the table, before turning to where she stood at the dark entrance of the tattoo parlor rooms.
“Not usually this quick with all things,” he replied and started to blush as he realized the implication of his words.
She threw back her head and laughed heartily, then turned on her heel and moved with sure steps into the darkened maw, expecting him to follow, not waiting to see if he did or didn’t.
As he scurried after her, he saw that her walk, like her voice, was a practice in juxtaposition. Her head hardly moved as it floated steadily on her graceful neck, while her feet in their shiny white converse sneakers clump clumped noisily down the corridor, her black dress swirling a small dance behind her legs as she opened a door to her right and ushered him in.
“Would you like a coffee?” She gestured towards a chair.
On closer inspection, he noticed how her eyes tilted cat-like up at the corners, and how her smile seemed to perpetually play peek-a-boo with the few nose and lip piercings that punctuated her alabaster skin and slightly hooked nose. Her mousey brown hair, which should have been bland and boring, as is often the case with mousey hair, glowed with health and framed her face beautifully, giving her a haloed glow. She was exquisite, in an otherworldly way.
“Yes, please. Black, two sugars.” He sat down and waited for her to return, feeling the nerves at having a needle pushed over and over into his skin roil in his gut.
She returned with the coffee and sat across from him, her knee brushing his and sending a shiver of delight through his entire body.