The Importance of Books: Simplification & Understanding

With about 130 million books published in human history, there are good books, great books, and books of all kinds. It begs the question, do these printed stories and guides play an essential part in our everyday lives? Experts say they do - by helping us to simplify multiple aspects of our lives. Here you will find how a book’s simplification comes into play.

Understanding Life Events

The one thing that writers and books can do is simplify the things going on around us. When we read about lived experiences, it’s usually centered around those events, without any extra scenes playing out in our day-to-day lives. While this isn’t the best example of how life works, it gives a broad view of life events and helps us organize experiences logically. 

Improving Human Interactions 

Reading can really help our social interactions because we are invited into the character’s minds as we read. The writers explain their characters, what they are thinking, why they do the things they do, and their motives behind everything. We don’t have this insight into the people in our real lives, but learning so much from these characters can help us better understand the people around us. 

Translating Our Feelings

Many people refer to themselves as ‘overthinkers,’ and it's often true. Humans have a way of overthinking and being overwhelmed by the complexity of our lives. Certain books can put things that we feel but can’t quite explain into words. Every now and again, you’ll pick up a book that seems to describe you and your own story perfectly - and these give us the words to understand ourselves better. 

Puts Feelings Into Words

Not everyone is born with the natural ability to put intense feelings into words. But the best writers take this ability and use it to share with and inspire their readers. With the simplification of striking things, we’re able to relate and visualize and then have the tools to express ourselves in the future. 

What’s Important in Reading?

When you’re living your daily life, it’s often hard to think past the responsibilities and nuances that we all have. Some things make us angry, people we cannot seem to get on with, and events that can harden us. But in the pages of a book, you learn stories of people and their own troubles, and you start to feel emotions like empathy and even love. Exercising these emotions can also help us bring them to light in real life, helping us see what’s important. 

Do All Books Provide Insight?

Of course, not every book you pick up is going to give you a profound outlook on life. Nor are they all able to share a simplified version of each aspect we’ve mentioned above. But if you look close enough, you’ll find that most stories you read have something to share with you. And you can always take these new feelings and understandings into your life. This is how great books stay with us.