The Surprisingly Fascinating History of Books


When we think of books, we tend to think of them as commonplace, everyday objects. But have you ever stopped to wonder about the history behind them? The stories of how books have evolved over time are fascinating, and they give us a glimpse into the minds and lives of our ancestors.

The history of books stretches back thousands of years to around 2600 BCE, a time when humans were first beginning to record their thoughts, ideas, and payment transactions (though Egyptian laborers were paid in bread and beer). From the cuneiform tablets of ancient Mesopotamia to the papyrus scrolls of ancient Egypt, people have been finding ways to preserve and share knowledge for centuries.

Everett Collection/

One of the most significant developments in the history of books was the invention of the printing press in the 1450’s, and the first book printed was of course…  the Bible. Suddenly, books were no longer the exclusive domain of the wealthy and educated; they could be mass-produced and made available to the masses. In fact, before Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440, only about 10% of European adults were literate. Gutenberg's invention flooded Europe with printed material and literacy rates began to rise!

But books are more than just vessels for information. They can also be works of art in their own right. Illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages, with their ornate illustrations and gold leaf were often copied by hand, making them rare, expensive, and reserved for the wealthy and the church. And let's not forget about the bookbinding traditions of the past, where books were bound in leather, silk, or even jeweled covers.

I. Pilon/

The digital age has brought about a whole new era in the history of books, with e-books and audiobooks now widely available. While some might argue that this marks the end of the physical book, we prefer to see it as just another chapter in their story. In fact, you could say buying a physical book is special again! After all, whether in print or digital form, books continue to be a vital part of our culture and our lives.

If you're a book lover like us, it's impossible not to feel a sense of wonder when considering the history of these precious objects. So the next time you pick up a book, take a moment to appreciate the centuries of innovation and creativity that have gone into making it possible.