The Swaying Sarah

The fire inside him was now a roaring inferno as her hips pressed up against his. She was wearing a low cut tank top, and he looked down to see the flash of a belly piercing illuminated as a stage light swung across them. She was clearly into him, and her full lips parted as he looked up into her eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous, and he wondered for a split second what he had done right to deserve this.
Then, without a word of warning, she leaned up and kissed him, full on the lips. The simmering volcano of his insides burst, erupting hot butterflies up through his chest. Her lips were forgiving, and indulgent, as if they were saying, Come on over here, this is how pleasure works.
She moved her hands from around his neck to his cheeks, pulling his lips closer in to hers. He chanced a feel of the bare skin of her back, as indulgent as her lips under his touch, and when she made no objection, continued to explore her body as they kissed with increased passion, bathed in the hot night air and the sultry notes.
Ohh you got me shaking to that moan you made last night
Ohh my body's aching from that naked summer light
Ohh my mind's setting you on
It's just a game we play
The lyrics seemed to guide them through their kissing, and his lips felt hers smile at the last line before the chorus broke out again. She pulled away and nuzzled herself into his neck, kissing all along his collarbone and back across to his throat while he tilted his head back like a cat indulging itself in pampering.
The song ended with a rocking, heaving finale, and the crowd roared in approval. They pulled away from each other too as they both cheered and clapped. Then she turned back to him.
“The next band is rubbish – I’ve heard them before. You wanna get out of here?”
A broad grin spread across his face as he imagined how he was going to tell his therapist the story of the night he went to the Great Annual Gap Fest. Then he took her hand, turned around and set off back towards the gate.