To Love is Illegal

“Nice to meet you, Amira.”
“Nice to meet you too, Layla.” Amira smiled back, taking Layla’s hand softly in her own.
Layla was taken by Amira’s easy closed-mouth smile that highlighted her eyes, making them wise, and softened her brow, making her kind. She appeared to Layla as an old soul born in a country that Layla incorrectly believed took strong women and crushed them under black abaya shrouds and solitude.
This was not the case with Amira. Layla saw her indomitable spirit in the lift of her chin and the wisdom in her eyes, and Layla felt a warmth in her heart that she had never felt before. The meeting had been brief, yet something in how they first saw each other made them recognize an undeniable kinship, a deep connection neither expected.
For the rest of the night, they found themselves drawn to one another, speaking in hushed tones, as though afraid that their words would be overheard. Their voices were low, barely audible above the music, yet their words were like sparks that ignited a fire between them.
Before long, Amira and Layla found themselves together in a corner, their conversation slowly evolving into something more intimate. Eventually, the music stilled, and the revelers called their cabs, and it was time for them to go their separate ways, yet neither was willing to part just yet. As though possessed by an overwhelming, unstoppable force, they exchanged numbers and arranged to meet again.
Both Amira and Layla knew that falling in love with another woman in Saudi Arabia was dangerous. A same-sex partnership was not just frowned upon but was also illegal, and the consequences of being caught were severe. They had both heard stories of people being arrested, beaten, and even killed for being gay. Despite the risks, the two started seeing each other in secret.
At first, it was ridiculously easy. Both being women, they could happily meet in public and private, with no one questioning their friendship. However, they had to refrain from the intimate touches and kisses they shared when lying in each other’s arms at Layla’s small apartment at the hospital compound.