Short Stories
Short Stories
The Swaying Sarah
Alex got out of the taxi in the parking lot, and the humid air hit him in the face like a hot, breaking wave. In the distance, he could see the stage lights dan
A Chef’s Sacrifice
Sam’s Place sat atop a hill overlooking the River Reme. It was a little way away from the rest of the cafes and restaurants in town, but for his loyal clientele
Indelible Feelings
The leather chair squeaked underneath him as he shifted his weight. There was soft music playing through the speakers in the waiting room, but the squeak was lo
The Life of Lisa
Lisa opened her eyes to the light from the early morning sun streaming in through the gap in the curtains. She wanted to open them further, for behind the thick
You Can Do This
‘I’m not going and you can’t make me,’ said Maisie. ‘I can’t, but you are,’ Aoife batted back. Maisie and Aoife had been salt and pepper since before they could
What Happens in Vegas
‘That’s my bum!’ Have you ever said something aloud and immediately wished you could delete it? That you could somehow re-swallow the words before they reached
The New World
I don’t remember much about my past life. I say past life, but really I mean the one that I lived before - I haven’t died or changed my state of being. He would
The Difference
Rodney is in a Pickle
Rodney was in a pickle. Despite his mother’s constant warnings, he’d got carried away chasing critters without watching where he was going. Now he was knees dee
Adapting to Adversity
For as long as she remembered, Leesa wanted to be in the Army. It wasn’t just about defying what her parents had wanted for her (who were they to decide anyway?
Wendy & The Dragon
‘ROOOOAAAAARRRRRRRR!’ Wendy froze where she stood, she hadn’t even reached the cave but she could smell the breath of the roaring beast within. ‘ROOOOAAAAAkkkak
The Figure
The figure standing at the end of her bed was alarming for a few reasons. It was 3 am and she lived alone. She was on the fourth floor. She always double-locked